Building Brand, The Common Sense Method

Is your brand effectively threading through every step you take in your business?

Ah, brand identity. It’s something all organizations need. It colors a business personality from its competencies to its culture.

There’s no time in our online world to slowly cultivate a brand. So sometimes to stand out in the crowd all clients need help to quickly 1) define their core purpose; 2) identify their existing strengths; and 3) clarify issues that must be addressed for organizational alignment.

Here’s a thought-starter from Tucson Cowgirl Communications to incorporate into any identity assessment. Full disclosure: There’s no magic here. It is all about common sense.

  • Identity often lies in the hands of our beholders. So what defines our clout or voice in our respective communities/audiences? Find the keys that say we are unique.
  • Are these elements of clout or voice under-developed? How? Consider those elements that mark our character and work them, market them, cultivate their distinctive traits. Because the brand must have a personality, be credible and be memorable to engage our communities.
  • I’ve learned that I can’t be all things to all people. Same is true of the brand. In clarifying the brand identity, look for phrases that capture the core message. Know how to reach for natural extensions of this message to broaden impact without reducing effectiveness. Be focused yet fluid in the clear point of “the vision.
  • I’m a fan of spontaneity and love the rush of energy that comes with creative ideas. However I also firmly believe that trust is built over time, and beyond all else I must always exceed high standards and maintain excellence in any service offered. Don’t let anyone down. Ensure service is part of your brand-building equation.
  • I don’t want to be a shot in the dark. That’s why brand-building is different from creating viral buzz. Look for ways to strengthen emotional attributes and engage the communities in meaningful interaction. What do I stand for? Unless there’s a limitless marketing fund, you need more that a big ad campaign to break through the clutter. Strategy will help the brand be sticky. Be in it for the long-term with a strategic plan.

As you tackle your 2011 brand management plan, remember ethics and common sense are your most important allies. Resource:  I learn about Brand Building from experts like Seth Godin; his advice is always valuable and innovative.

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